


Image by Todd Lockwood,
© Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Monster Manual 3.5 Art Gallery here.

[This project might be a weird one. I’m converting monsters from the D&D 3.5 Monster Manual, but not the ones you might expect. Not the Closed Content monsters, of which numerous PF versions exist (might I recommend those by @thecreaturechronicle?), but those that are OGL but Paizo hasn’t bothered to update to their rules set. First up, the arrowhawk, which was one of the elemental outsiders introduced in 3.0 to make a “set” with xorn and salamanders.]

This sinuous creature resembles a
four-winged serpent with a jagged beak. It glares with two pairs of eyes. Its
body is covered in blue scales, over which grow golden feathers.

are strange contradictory creatures native to the Plane of Air. They are
obsessed with personal freedoms, except for the maintenance of territories. In
the wide open, nearly featureless Plane of Air, the markers of these
territories are arbitrary at best and entirely imaginary at worst, but
arrowhawks still expect them to be followed by others on threat of

like xorn, salamanders and tojanda, combine elements of planar beings and
mundane animals in strange ways. They do not require food but are compelled to
consume its vapors, seeming to gain nutrient from the smoke and smell of
foodstuffs. They reproduce not from the fabric of their plane, but by sexual
means. Female arrowhawks lay clutches of 1-4 eggs which float on currents of air
until they hatch, whereupon the siblings frequently associate until they find
mates or are slain. Arrowhawks are frequently friendly with djinn, which they
serve as scouts and guards in exchange for interesting smells or unusual
features to add to their aerial territories.

arrowhawks grow to about ten feet long with a wingspan of 15 feet, but arrowhawks that survive for centuries, growing in size and magical power, are not unheard of. An elder arrowhawk is Large in size, has
10 HD and has access to the following spell-like abilities at CL 10th;
3/day—lightning bolt; 1/day—chain lightning, control winds. An elder
arrowhawk is CR 9. 

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