Angel of Decay


Image by Jeremy Jarvis,

Wizards of the Coast. Accessed from the Libris Mortis Art Gallery here

[The Year of Yokai was one of two big projects I did on the Paizo forums. The other was a collection of conversions of monsters from Libris Mortis, a 3.5 sourcebook about undead. The Angel of Decay was the first statted, the first posted and the first in alphabetical order]

Angel of Decay

This hulking creature stands twice as tall as a human, its skeletal
frame shrouded in thousands of strips of rent flesh. A pair of tattered
wings stretches from its shoulders, shadowing its leering features.
Rivulets of liquid corruption stream from its body, filling the air
around it with a sickening miasma and leaving a trail of filth behind

Angels of decay are a manifestation of planetary cancer, the dead slain
by pollution and corruption coughed up from the ground to walk again and
spread the rot that killed them. Angels of decay despise all living
things and leave a trail of death and disease in their wake. Their
universal nihilism makes them enemies of nearly everything, although
lesser undead may venerate them as saints and daemons may assist their
crusades. An angel of decay stands 11 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds. 

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